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Steps of a Facial

1. cleansing

2. exfoliation

3. steaming

4. extraction

5. Massage

6. masking

7. Moisturize

Why You Will Love a Facial

A facial is a spa therapy and massage that leaves your skin cleaner, softer, younger, and truly transformed. Facials can help clear clogged pores, quench parched skin and remove dead cells. Facials involve some massage which aids in blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Benefits Of Facials

  • Reduce Stress And Relieve Psychological Distress.
  • Cleanse Your Skin
  • Prevent Aging
  • Facial Massage Promotes Blood Circulation
  • Rejuvenate Your Skin
  • Facials Help Detoxify The Skin
  • Treat Acne And Acne Marks
  • Eliminate Whiteheads And Blackheads

Is a Facial Necessary?

Facials are one of the most misunderstood beauty rituals out there. Often seen as unnecessary or ineffective, the treatments are rarely thought of as part of a healthy skincare routine -- and they're pricey. But regularly seeing an esthetician should be thought of as essential part of any glowing skin regimen.

How Often Should You Have a Facial?

Every three to four weeks

Setting those factors aside, the general recommendation is for a facial every three to four weeks or once a month. That's how long your skin's life cycle is. After three or four weeks, your skin cells grow back. Facials help this process and assure your skin always glows

skincare at any age

Age 11-20

At this age and beyond, skincare is supremely important.

Teens often develop chaotic skin so a good diet and good skincare routine are paramount to keep skin looking its best.We recommend starting a night time and morning skincare routine.

At night, use Clarifying Cleanser to help gently clean all dirt, make-up and residue from the day off the face.

This is also a good age to start using exfoliants on both face and skin but be sure to only use facial exfoliants on the face. Try using Facial Exfoliant 1-3 nights per week. Exfoliants help remove dead skin cells and using them at night is most beneficial.

Follow with a Moisturizing Toner to return skin to its normal pH. And finally, finish with Moisturizer to make sure skin is both hydrated and nourished.

In the morning, use a gentle facial cleanser such as Gentle Cleanser, follow with Toner and Moisturizer.


At this age, your goal is to preserve and protect. In your 20s and 30's, many of the skin issues you see come from carefree living (and neglect): partying on weekends, drinking too much, pulling all-nighters and basking in the sun without sunscreen. There might be lingering acne from the teen years as well.

Use a Foaming Cleanser that will remove makeup and excess oil, but won't dry out your skin.For day, use a Light Moisturizer that contains sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection. If you still get mild breakouts (not serious acne) use a Spot Treatment containing salicylic acid. And whatever you do, don't pick -- it can lead to long-lasting scars.

If you are one to stay up all hours of the night drinking and smoking, use an antioxidant to counteract the damage from your partying ways. Apply a Serum at night like vitamin C or E. Antioxidants eliminate damaging free radicals responsible for most of what we perceive as skin aging, including fine lines, pigment changes and textural irregularity.

At night, cleanse and spot treat any breakouts and follow with a basic light moisturizer.

This Is the age to introduce Eye Creams and other anti-aging products.


In your 40s and 50's, expression lines between your brows and around your eyes and mouth don't disappear like they did in your 20's and 30s. Your estrogen level is tapering so your skin will become dryer. The neck and décolleté area might start to look crepey as well. Overall you'll need to add moisture and collagen-building ingredients like peptides.

Your ideal regimen include Cleanse using a basic Non-foaming, Non-drying Cleanser in combination with a gentle face cleansing brush to help remove dead skin cells. Because you'll use Retinol (or an alternative) regularly, you'll need to get rid of any flaking skin. Use a SPF daily to prevent further damage and choose a product that contains Antioxidants to fight free radicals and help reverse some of the damage you already have.

Retinoids and Peptides are two ingredient groups that you should add into your routine if you haven't already. Peptides can help rebuild collagen, especially when used in combination with skin texture-improving retinoids like retinol.

Using an anti-aging product specifically formulated for the neck that includes phytoestrogens, retinols and licorice root to help smooth, plump and erase discoloration. Use a Moisturizer that has a high level of glycerin or hyaluronic acid to help skin retain the moisture it needs.

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